We are a professional clinic that treats both Orthopaedic and Neurology issues. This clinic treats children and adult of different age group according to their needs.
Our clinic comprises a group of Orthopaedic specialists with a combine experience of more than 50 years. We also have a Neurologist with over 20 years of practice. Our bone specialists treats different bone anatomy such as neck, shoulder, wrist, fingers, back, knee and ankle as well as Musculoskeletal injuries. Common problems such as frozen shoulder, trigger finger, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, ankle and knee injuries pose no difficulty. Therefore our clinic plays a crucial role in addressing a wide range of conditions that affect the movement, function, and overall well-being of patients.
Likewise, our Neurologist treats disorder of nervous system. Hence it includes the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and cerebrovascular system. Therefore, he specializes in treating lower back pain, excessive sweat, stroke and brain issues. Above all, he is able to perform Matrix tube spine surgery. Such highly skilled surgery is performed by few medical specialist in Singapore. Above all, we are proud to have helped many to recover.
Had a broken bone previously? You may be at risk of another. No matter how the accident occurred, current evidence indicates, when an older person breaks a bone, further evaluation of that person’s overall bone health and advice on how to maintain it should follow as an integral part of treatment.
Our new series on health interests provides regular updates on physical wellbeing apart from our clinic specialities (Neurology or Orthopaedic). This time, we are looking at “7 exercises you should be careful”. Click on the link below to find out.